Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Impact of the new technology on my life

To begin with, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the title. If you look up the word "technology" in the dictionary, you will find something like this: "a technological process, invention, method, or the like", which probably isn't enough to understand what technology really means. So, let's start from the beginning, which should be the prehistory, but I don't mean that long ago. I want to explain you what is happening with the technology, where does it come from and what is it for.

Technology, as I have said, comes from a long time ago. At first, technology was a way to survive: people built their own houses by using their brains to create objects which could help them built them, they took advantage of a lightning to made fire... But nowadays, technology is part of the science: it helps solving problems, finding medicines against all type of illnesses, repairing mechanical objects...
On the one hand, many people agree that technology safes a lot of lifes. And that's true, because due to the technology in the hospitals, in the laboratories... a lot of people which were nearly dead could safe their lifes. Moreover, the new technology is improving in an endless way, which is perfect, because there are still a lot of illnesses to cure and a lot of problems to solve.

Technology is also a very profitable business. It offers a lot of jobs to people who need it, which is against the unemployment. That's why technology plays an important role in our world. Furthermore, a lot of people are getting rich because of technology and a lot of people is trying to imitate them but just a few success in their lifes by using the internet. For those of you that weren't able to do it, I recommend you to read the next advices and commentaries. You can also read about the richest people in the world connected to technology and there you can understand how they managed to became rich by clicking here.

But, what about the negative aspects of the new technology? What happen with them? I will write about them right now.

First of all, you should know that technology is one of the first topics a country or state talks about when they are in war. Specially because they need every type of weapons: guns, bombs, mines, rifles... As a result, everybody in the world is afraid of technology. If you haven't already understand what I mean, you should read my other post about what happened in Hiroshima in the Second World War. If that's not enough to understand why is technology dangerous for the world, I recommend you to think about it for an hour or more if you need ir, but make sure you realise what I'm talking about.

To sum up, let me say that the new technology is a fascinating thing, you can do what you want if you learn how to control it, but if you don't, you now know what are its consecuences. I should also say that the development, which is connected to technology, is impossible to stop or detain, that you can only postpone what is going to happen. That is why the future is already written, so be aware of the new technology.

The impact of technology in our lives

Technology has been a big revolution and has affected our society and our surroundings in different ways.

Firstly because it has helped a lot to do researches in medicine which is really important. And cars and means of transport in general have also evolved: they are now safer than years ago which is really positive(there are less accidents). Technology has also affected the economy which has at the same time improved. Then, computers and mobile phones, for example, have also helped to have a better communication between people(friends of other countries,family..).We don't use to think that technology has changed our lives but we cannot imagine our lives without it, can we?

It is difficult to say if technology is a positive or negative thing but we can deduce that if we live better than before and the medicine has evolved (which is, in my opinion, the most important ) it is more positive than negative isn't it? However, nowadays, we depend on it so much that it is becoming a problem because we are going to end up by not to know how to solve our problemas without technology.
Children for example spend too much time on computers and less time in studying or reading.
In addition, cars, planes, industries(which are part of technology) etc.. have helped us to have a better life but at the same time pollute the atmosphere which is a big problem to our earth.
And what about wars? Powerful countries, are using technology to make dangerous guns as the nuclear bomb and this isn't so positive. It is negative!

In conclusion, I can say that the impact of technology on our society has been a positive thing in general but now there is too much technology everywhere and in my opinion it has many desadvantages.

I’ve found a video on youtube about the impact of technology on our society which I really enjoyed. It’s short and interesting. The video is ironical in order to show that with technology we communicate immediately with people everywhere (all around the world) but at the same time, we become anti-social and ignorant of the people in our immediate surroundings even if they are in front of us.
If you want to watch it, here you have the address :

New technologies

The technoligy has been a very important revolution which has totally change our life. But it is also a consecuence of the increase of pollution in the envairoment.
The technology can be viewed like a way that changes cultures, but it is also the application of maths, science, and arts for the benefit of our life.

A modern example is the rise of communication technology, like the development of the computers and the internet which are fantastics ways of communication between humans.

Sometimes peolple think that technology has not be an important change, but then they can not spend a day without their mobiles phones and their personal computers which is a serious problem not only in childs but also in adults.

It is very difficult to say if the technology has been a good revolution or not, but we should think that if it has improved our life it seems that it is something useful and that we need, isn't it?

The economy has also been affected by the improvement of the technology, which sounds great.

In conclusion i would say that the impact of technology in our society has been a positive thing in general and that it has improve our lifes. But also it has desventages like the pollution on the environment.

I have also found a video which is about the new technologies and which in my opinion is really interesting.


Work on your pronunciation

It's a good idea to work on your pronunciation whenever you have time. Here are some resources that can help you:
  • the Sky Pronunciation suite which is installed on BC computers both in the CALL Room and the SAC (library)
  • a phonetics site where you can see and hear how the different vowel and consonant sounds are produced (click on American English)
  • where you can move your mouse over the lyrics and hear a song
  • where you can practise minimal pairs (similar words where just the vowel sound is different)
  • stress monsters a game where you can test your knowledge of which syllable is stressed in a word

Monday, February 25, 2008

A fight between lions and a crocodile

I have chosen this video because I think it is amazing. It impressed me a lot.

Firstly, this video is about nature, especially about a fight between three lions and a crocodile. Without seeing it I had thought that the crocodile would win but I wasn´t right because when I saw the video the crocodile ran away from the lions like a coward.

Secondly, I felt nervous when I saw the crocodile going nearer and nearer to the lions but the lions realised that he was next to them.

Finally, I liked this video but it didn´t say too much about the life of lions or crocodiles or nature. I felt a bit disappointed with it but... it is what exists.


At first sight, technology is good and all the things referring to technology sound better and better. Technology has some pros and cons that I would explain in this composition.

Technology is a new way of doing difficult things in an easier and a faster way than before. For instance, you can search through Internet in few minutes or listen to music while you are going by bus to school and a lot more things you can do with technology. Nevertheless, technology had some bad things. I think that technology distrust us with television or computer, and so on because many people watch TV every day and this isn’t good. TV is one of the several good things that technology has, but if you watch so much it stupefies you. As a consequence some people can’t live without TV, computer... in the end with technology.

Another point is that with new technology the world has improved a lot. Nowadays there are things that 200 years before didn’t exist. At present is easier to live and there are more medicines, food, computers, and etc. so more facilities in work or in school and in hospitals. Technology has remarkable also in scientists because they help in their investigations and these we can see all people in their discoveries with the science.

On the other hand, technology helps a lot in the cinema. Few years ago, special effects didn’t exist or also colour but at present thanks to technology all these things could be possible.

Least but not last, some people uses very bad technology such as the organisations that murder people and those who want a war in the world. Technology in this aspect had created bombs, guns, and so on.

In the end, technology for me is a thing that has changed our life and thanks to this we can live better and have more facilities such as listen to music with I-pod or phone with the self phone, and so on.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The truth about food and water

This video tells the truth about food and water.
It shows you, if it’s true all we say about drinking 2 litres of water a day. In the video a doctor does an experiment with two twins. The doctor is going to measure the skin of both and one week later she is going to measure it again and compare the results. The twins have a similar life and diet but during the week one of them is allowed by the doctor to drink 2 litres of water every day and the other one isn’t allowed to drink any water. A week later they’re going to see what has happened. Do you think that something will be different?

If you want to know what happens watch it! Here you have the address :

I’ve found this video interesting because when you hear this type of thing, you believe them without knowing if they’re true or false and this is a good example.It can change your mind.

Mumbai Monsoons & Mangroves

I've chosen this video because it has made an impact on me.
It talks about the causes and consequences of the biggest rainstorm that has ever fallen in India. This happened on the 26Th of July, during the season of the monsoons.

It tell us that over a thousand people were drowned, and that the Indian city of dreams, turned in a few minutes to a nightmare.

The main causes of the drownings and floodings are caused, like most of the disasters, by humans.
Years ago, Mumbai was surrendeed by mangroves, a type of plant. These mangroves worked as the city's temperature regulator, and also during the time of the Monsoons, they worked as a sponge.
Though they were very important, Mumbai was and is constantly growing, so buildings spring up all over the place, without any control. This causes that mangroves are being cut down, so, the city is turning hotter and hotter. Also, and not less important, during the monsoons' season, the function of the sponge isn't as effective as it was, because of the fact that now, there are few and fewer mangroves.

If you want to watch this video click in the link:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Technology in my life

I think that technology is a very good thing but, nothing is perfect so I think it has its bad side too.

Technology´s good things are that you can do almost everything easily and faster than you used to without it. For example, if you want to warm something, you just have to put it into the microwave and... there you have it! Your food is warm and you have only waited for it a few minutes.

On the other hand, bad things about technology are that you do it everything so easy that when you have to do anything that is a bit hard you just don´t do it because you´re not accustomed to do anything that costs a bit of effort. But this does not happen many times.

But technological things are not only the electrical machines, but everything that humans beings have made since they were created. So I think that technology is good if you use it correctly but if you use it in a wrong way, it could be dangerous for you and for other people too.

Technology is part of the evolution, in fact, without the technology it couldn't be possible for the human being to evolute.
As a conclusion, I think that technology is good and bad, and this depends on the person who uses it. So, now that you now this (which is only my personal opinion), try to use it correctly so it can make you life better.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article.

the paradise

Going green in Paris

Paris is becoming hotter year after year, which is very bad for old people, who fall ill almost inmediately. Global warming is responsible for this heat and in Paris they´re doing their best to repare this situation. One of the alternatives, which I think it´s very original is to put lots of plants in the buildings. The plants refresh the buildings so they don´t need air conditioning in summer because the plants don´t let hot air come in the building.

If you want to see the video you can do it by clicking in the link :

11 of september

This video is about the collapse of the twin towers in 2001.The video shows the collapse of the north tower.
At the beggining some people thought it was an accident, but after the second plane crashed against the towers the doubts about it disappeared.
More than 2000 people died and it has been the most shocking of the attacks that Al-Qaeda has made in the last years, and since then the way of thinking of the american people has changed completely.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


It's widely recognised that fish which have omega 3 can improve the behaviour of the children at school, in different subjects. Recent research done by an English doctor says that eating fish makes children do their work better not only at school but also at home. Some teenagers have grown up eating chips and hamburgers and now they have many problem so I would say to all the parents whose childrens spend their day eatting chips sugarbits etc to control their behavior and their attitude at school and to give them more fish becouse it is very important for children's brains.

The video

The positive and negative impact of new technology on my life

You are going to write a posting about the positive and negative impact of new technology on your life.

This will be an asessed piece of writing so try to make it as interesting as possible and ensure that it reflects your experience and views.

You can include photos, videos and web links as you see fit.

If you want to read or watch material on the subject before you start writing, here are some possibilities: the BBC's technology news and the BBC TV programme, Click.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I saw three documentaries and all of them were about Hiroshima.

In the first movie, which is embedded, you can feel the fear everybody in Hiroshima felt, you can get angry about what those people (Oppenheimer and the Manhattan project) did, but you won't be able to change the past.

If you want to see it with commentaries, you can click here and see the same but longer film. In this second video, you understand what happened that day and the reason for for doing it.

But that wasn't the end. After the bombing, all there was left in Hiroshima was chaos and debris . In this video you can see what happened to the people after their hometown was destroyed.

But, was that the end? No, it wasn't and the world was getting prepared for the next attempt . In only three seconds, this second bomb killed more than 70, 000 people and more than 80, 000 people suffered diseases caused by radioactivity.

Nowadays, goverments are working on it and trying to avoid another disaster and to protect the world from them.


An interview with the video maker.



An interview with the video maker.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

BBC online at youtube

  • Choose a couple of videos from the BBC on youtube to watch
  • Write a review of each
  • Include in your posting a summary of what they were about, your impression and whether you would recommend them to a friend
  • Embed or link to the videos in your posting
  • Comment on other people's choice of video