Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mumbai Monsoons & Mangroves

I've chosen this video because it has made an impact on me.
It talks about the causes and consequences of the biggest rainstorm that has ever fallen in India. This happened on the 26Th of July, during the season of the monsoons.

It tell us that over a thousand people were drowned, and that the Indian city of dreams, turned in a few minutes to a nightmare.

The main causes of the drownings and floodings are caused, like most of the disasters, by humans.
Years ago, Mumbai was surrendeed by mangroves, a type of plant. These mangroves worked as the city's temperature regulator, and also during the time of the Monsoons, they worked as a sponge.
Though they were very important, Mumbai was and is constantly growing, so buildings spring up all over the place, without any control. This causes that mangroves are being cut down, so, the city is turning hotter and hotter. Also, and not less important, during the monsoons' season, the function of the sponge isn't as effective as it was, because of the fact that now, there are few and fewer mangroves.

If you want to watch this video click in the link:

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